VBA Finding the Last Populated Cell, Row, or Column in a Worksheet 

Using VBA code for finding the last populated cell is simple. This can be accomplished by:

Sub Last_Populated_Cell()
LastR = ActiveCell.Row
LastC = ActiveCell.Column
End Sub
Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, this cell may not be the cell that you are actually looking for. This is because, for example, if you type a value into cells A1,A2, and B1, Excel considers the last cell to be B2, which could have a value or not...

The so called problem arises when you delete all the values in the last row or column. In the example, if we delete both the values in cell A2 and B1, the above code will still show that the last row is 2 and the last column is 2. Thus, if you added a value to a cell and deleted it, it is considered used as far as this formula goes.

So, with VBA finding the last populated cell could look like this:

Sub Last_Real_Populated_Cell()
LastR = ActiveCell.Row
LastC = ActiveCell.Column
LastRealC = 1
For Counter = LastR To 1 Step -1
Range(Cells(Counter, LastC), Cells(Counter, LastC)).Select
If Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value) Then
LastRealR = ActiveCell.Row
Exit For
End If
For Counter = LastC To 1 Step -1
Range(Cells(LastR, Counter), Cells(LastR, Counter)).Select
If Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value) Then
LastRealC = ActiveCell.Column
Exit For
End If
MsgBox "LastRealRow=" & LastRealR & vbCrLf & _
"LastRealColumn=" & LastRealC & vbCrLf & _
"Value=" & Cells(LastRealR, LastRealC).Value
End Sub
Note that what Excel calls the last populated cell may not actually be populated.

With VBA finding the last populated row with a value could be done like this:

Sub Last_Real_Populated_Row()
LastR = ActiveCell.Row
LastC = ActiveCell.Column
LastRealC = 1
For Counter = LastR To 1 Step -1
Range(Cells(Counter, LastC), Cells(Counter, LastC)).Select
If Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value) Then
LastRealR = ActiveCell.Row
Exit For
End If
End Sub
With VBA finding the last populated Column with a value could be done like this:
Sub Last_Real_Populated_Column()
LastR = ActiveCell.Row
LastC = ActiveCell.Column
LastRealC = 1
For Counter = LastC To 1 Step -1
Range(Cells(LastR, Counter), Cells(LastR, Counter)).Select
If Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value) Then
LastRealC = ActiveCell.Column
Exit For
End If
End Sub

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